Hope Groups

No one ever claimed that life would be easy. Even Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Where do you turn when life takes an unexpected turn? When life is changing and you wonder how you will survive, you need hope; Living Hope. Romans 15:13: “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
God’s Word has the answers to life’s most difficult questions, and His Spirit brings comfort, clarity, and guidance. Central Hope Groups are designed to help participants gain personal and spiritual awareness, and to learn how to apply what they have learned. The curriculum is sometimes video-based with interviews of skilled professionals and people who share their experiences, and always includes a take-home book for further reference.
Central Hope Groups provide a safe place to come together with others sharing your experience to share stories and struggles. There is something comforting about connecting with people who understand what you are going through because they have traveled a similar journey. (2 Corinthians 1:4) Together, we are united through God’s Spirit to discover biblical answers and direction resulting in hope.
Active Support Groups
ABBA’s Purple Place
Survivor’s rising from abuse
Meets Tuesdays starting April 22 at 7:00pm // Room 215

Our father house is suppose to be a place of safety, perseverance, deliverance, and refuge. This group is for those who are rising from the past they left behind, Abuse. Purple stands for royalty in ancient times, but the purple ribbon stands for Domestic Violence Awareness. Whether it was physical, emotional, financial, or abandonment. Great job, you got out! But, now, it’s time to recover Spirit, soul, and body through fellowship, devotionals, prayer with your friends in Jesus. We all need a resting place to rise from the ashes in God’s time. It doesn’t matter if it was 50 yrs ago or yesterday. we all need to encourage and build up one another. Also, we never want to rule out someone who is needing help to survive. We have resources and people who can help you. All are welcome.
Registration Fee: $10 // Scholarships available.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly. open and informal environment. It’s a ten-week course that meets casually around a meal. Essentially, Alpha is a safe place to explore life’s biggest questions with friendly hosts and others searching for answers, too. You are welcome to explore faith at a pace that is comfortable for you. Invite a seeking friend to join you.
Conquer Series
Men’s Battle for Purity
Meets Tuesdays starting Jan. 14 at 7:00pm

Try smarter, not harder.
Let’s face it. You’ve been trying harder and it hasn’t worked. What starts out as a moral problem quickly becomes a brain problem. Often, men who’ve tried to quit have failed because they don’t understand the brain. Understanding the brain is so important in this battle. Men in sexual bondage go through a cycle of triggering, ritual, and acting out. Discover how to renew your mind and break destructive patterns.
Registration Fee: $30 // Scholarships available.
Meets Tuesdays at 7:00pm // Room 220A

DivorceCare is a special weekly support group and seminar conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. You will learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Support Groups
- Become part of a small support group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce.
- Meet others who understand what you are feeling and who will be able to offer you encouragement.
- Talk about the information presented during the DivorceCare seminar.
DivorceCare Seminar
- DivorceCare features 13 dynamic video seminars featuring 32 renowned experts on divorce and recovery.
- Begin attending DivorceCare on any week.
- Each session is “self-contained,” and you can continue through the next cycle to view any of the topics you have not seen.
Registration Fee: $22 // Scholarships available.
Experiencing Father’s Embrace
Meets Tuesdays Starting Jan. 14 at 7:00pm // Room 217

Experiencing Father’s Embrace shows you how you can personally feel your Father’s loving and comforting embrace, and points out areas that may be hindering you from experiencing a more intimate relationship with your Creator.
Registration Fee: $20 // Scholarships available.
Finding Hope
Recoverers’ family support
Meets Second and Fourth Thursdays at 7:00pm // K-Chapel (room 118)

Worry. Fear. Pain. You think something might be wrong with your loved one—your son or daughter, your husband or wife, your mom or dad—but you can’t be sure. Can it just be a phase they’re going through, or can it be something worse? Can it even be addiction? Are you looking for a place to find education, inspiration and a community of others that are dealing with the same issues? If so, Hope is Alive Ministries wants to invite you to attend our family support groups, called “Finding Hope.” Each week you will have the opportunity to learn more about addiction, find tools to the help those you love and find hope to help you as you journey down this treacherous road. Don’t miss this opportunity to find the HOPE you’ve been searching for.
Registration: no fees.
God’s Energy for Life
Meets Mondays Starting April 22 at 12:00PM // Zoom Only

Casey Means, MD in her book Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health asks, “What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and many other health conditions that torture and shorten our lives actually have the same root cause? Our ability to prevent and reverse these conditions– and feel incredible today–is under our control and simpler than we think. The key is our metabolic function.” We utilize the teaching from this book combined with Faithfully Fit – A 40-Day Devotional Plan to End the Yo-Yo Lifestyle of Chronic Dieting. This will offer motivation, encouragement, and inspiration to help us change from the inside out, the only kind of change that lasts. It includes daily meditations, scripture readings, encouraging affirmations and practical activities. Gain understanding and learn new skills while breaking negative habits with a group of supportive friends on this lifelong journey to good health.
We will meet weekly on Mondays from noon to 1:00 pm on Zoom to discuss, encourage and pray for each other. From 11:30 – noon as we gather, we will share our health journeys with each other, sharing what we learned that week along with our latest victories and also the areas we need to address to grow stronger and learn from on our journey to better health. If you are ready to shed excess pounds and get healthy, this series is for you.
Registration is at no cost. Purchase the books individually, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limited Health by Casey Means, MD. and Faithfully Fit by Barr Cloninger available on Amazon.
A Zoom link will be sent after registration.
Meets Tuesdays at 7:00pm // Room 219
Meets Tuesdays at 10:00Am // Room 216

Facing Tomorrow
GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
Each GriefShare session includes a video seminar and group discussion. The videos feature top experts on grief recovery, dramatic reenactments about living with grief and real-life stories of people who have experienced losses like yours. During the small group discussion time, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with others who have experienced a recent loss, learn about their experiences and share your own. A GriefShare workbook assists you with note taking, journaling and grief study.
When to Begin
You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be able to continue with GriefShare through the next cycle and view any of the videos you have not seen.
Registration Fee: $20 // Scholarships available.
Life Recovery
12-Step Support
Meets Tuesdays at 7:00pm // Room 107

We believe everyone can benefit from a Life Recovery experience. We all have struggles in life, struggles with addictions, food, depression, anxiety and relationships to name a few. This twelve step support group uses the Life Recovery Bible and Workbook to provide a biblical guide through the 12 steps. Take the first steps to transformation: from death to life, from addiction to recovery in the supportive environment of a caring group of like minded companions.
“Although the path of recovery involves hard and sometimes painful work, it is worth the effort. God will meet us on this path as we become willing to take each step toward new life. As we apply ourselves, we lose our old coping mechanism of excessive consumption and experience spiritual growth. Honesty, humility, and courage are components of the vital faith that can allow us to face any circumstance, difficulty, or feeling with grace and strength.” (The Life Recovery Workbook)
Registration Fee: $20 // Scholarships available.
Take Back Your Life
Right Thinking for Right Living
Not currently meeting

Have you ever looked back on a comment, response, or action you took and asked yourself, ‘Why did I do that?’ Do you feel as if you are losing the battle to control your thoughts? Most likely you’ve tried to change in the past, but your struggles still persist. Pastor Levi Lusko will help you to come to terms with the reality of the battle and show you the weapons that God has given you to engage in the fight. He will guide you through what is an often confusing and disorienting battlefield so you can rise up and accomplish all that God has for you. In the end, you will find it is not enough to just participate in the war—you have to be an active combatant and know the tactics of your enemy. Get back to the life God wants you to have, change your thinking so you can change your living, and become the difference maker God sees when He sees you
Registration Fee: $22 // Participant guide and 40-day interactive journey book with daily readings and journal questions are included with registration.
The Heart of the Caregiver
Not currently meeting

Overwhelmed by the responsibilities and emotions of caring for a loved one with exceptional needs? Caregiving can be very difficult and consuming work. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, isolated and stressed. The Heart of the Caregiver™ will connect you to the life-giving comfort and support found in scripture. This 10-week study includes a book and weekly video that includes meaningful scripture, journal prompting, and probing questions for you and other caregivers to share in discussion with one another, along with beautiful, heart-felt prayers. You will come to see yourself, your situation and the person you care for in a whole new way – through the light of God’s amazing love!
Registration Fee: $20
Transformed from Brokenness to Wholeness
Not Currently Meeting

Transformed Season Three
You will see with your own eyes, that the Bible is sufficient for all life, godliness, and emotional challenges.
Registration Fee: $15 // Includes study guide.
Victory in the Valley West Cancer Support Group
Meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm // K-Chapel (Room 118)

Living with a cancer diagnosis is often one of the most stressful experiences in someone’s life. Coming together with other survivors and supporters helps many people cope with the different aspects of cancer and treatment by providing a safe place to share concerns, learn from one another, and work through the various challenges associated with cancer. No one should have to feel alone on their cancer journey. This group is open to patients and survivors of any type of cancer, and their caregivers/supporters.