6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS//Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am

Message: “Timeless Teachings // The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” from Pastor Justin Mohr

A message from the series “Timeless Teachings.” In this video, Pastor Justin Mohr teaches about The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, and how we are called, as forgiven children of God, to also forgive.

OVERVIEW: Forgiveness is difficult. In this message, Pastor Justin emphasizes that as humans, we are flawed and incapable of adequately making up for our transgressions, hence the need for God’s boundless forgiveness. In the parable, we see a benevolent king release his servant from debt. In the same way, God releases us from our debt through salvation in Jesus. Having received that forgiveness, we are called to forgive others. Undeniably, forgiveness is a challenge; a struggle between the flesh and the spirit. But the choice to forgive leads to a better life.

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Message: “Freedom Through Jesus” from Pastor John Carney

A message from the series “Freedom Through Jesus.” In this video, Pastor John Carney discusses the true freedom we find in Jesus Christ.

OVERVIEW: True freedom is found in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly concepts of rights or independence. Emphasizing the importance of discerning God’s truth amidst societal influences, Pastor John urges believers to stay faithful. And in that faithfulness, as the Church, we are called to spread the message of freedom through Christ to a world in need.

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Message: “Unstoppable // Paul is Arrested” from Bob Beckler

A message from the series “Unstoppable: The Gospel in Action.” In this video, Pastor Bob Beckler reminds us to stay faithful in the midst of trials because God always has something in mind to do.

OVERVIEW: Our lives are part of God’s bigger story. In this message, Pastor Bob talks about Paul’s arrest, and highlights the apostle’s continued commitment to his mission. We should always be digging into our faith, especially during the easier seasons, so that when trials do come, we’re ready. This message will inspire you to embrace your story, whatever it is, and live it fully so that you can be a light to the world as a part of God’s bigger narrative.

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Message: “Unstoppable // Paul’s Second Missionary Journey” from Justin Mohr

A message from the series “Unstoppable: The Gospel in Action.” In this video, Pastor Justin Mohr discusses the importance of the work God has given each of us to do to spread His Good News.

OVERVIEW: Everyone has a mission to accomplish on their personal journey. In this message, Pastor Justin Mohr encourages us to not just observe the work of the Church, but to actively participate in it. He goes on to highlight the importance of unity in accomplishing God-given missions. We are challenged to acknowledge our personal missions, uphold unity, study God’s Word, and recognize God’s presence in our lives as we work to spread the Gospel.

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Message: “Unstoppable // A Dispute Arises” from Bob Beckler

A message from the series “Unstoppable: The Gospel in Action.” In this video, Pastor Bob Beckler discusses how, even though we can always expect conflict in the church, we can still find absolute unity in Christ.

OVERVIEW: Where there are people, there will always be conflict. Even in the church. In this message, Pastor Bob highlights a major disagreement that arose in the early Church—a conflict that can be traced back to the beginning of time. However, he says, the absolute salvation that is offered exclusively by Jesus Christ is the unifying bond of truth that should hold all of us together in unity.

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