6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS//Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am

Message: “Family Matters // Love & Respect” from Pastor Bob Beckler

A message from the series “Family Matters.” Pastor Bob Beckler discusses the two keys to a successful marriage. To build a healthy marriage, the husband and wife each have the responsibility to fulfill the other’s unique needs. In this partnership, a wife’s need for love equates to a husband’s need for respect, and when one party feels unloved or disrespected, it often leads to a cycle of misunderstanding, frustration, anger, and ultimately a broken relationship. Breaking this cycle—and building a marriage on the sacrificial love demonstrated by Christ for the Church—requires intentional communication, support, and placing Jesus at the center of the relationship.

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Message: “An Interview with Pastor Bob & Lori Beckler” from Pastor Bob Beckler

Life can change in a moment. In this transparent interview, Pastor Bob and Lori Beckler share about the serious accident that Pastor Bob was in earlier this summer. They talk about the experience itself, what recovery has been like, survivor’s guilt, and how we can make sense of the bad things that happen, even when God doesn’t answer prayers the way we hope. Ultimately, Pastor Bob said, there are times in this world when things just won’t make sense. However, we can trust that God is working and present in our lives, and for a person who has set their faith in Him, we have nothing to fear.

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Message: “Timeless Teachings // The Parable of the Bags of Gold” from Pastor Justin Mohr

A message from the series “Timeless Teachings.” In this video, Pastor Justin Mohr teaches on The Parable of the Bags of Gold, also known as The Parable of the Talents.

OVERVIEW: Pastor Justin introduces the Parable of the Bags of Gold from Matthew 25, emphasizing that it’s really about our responsibility to use the gifts and giftings that God gave each of us to further His Kingdom. The parable teaches about being faithful stewards of God’s resources and expecting a return on investment. Believers are encouraged to use their time, talents, and treasures for God’s kingdom, with the ultimate goal of hearing Jesus say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” upon His return.

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Message: “Timeless Teachings // The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” from Pastor Justin Mohr

A message from the series “Timeless Teachings.” In this video, Pastor Justin Mohr teaches about The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, and how we are called, as forgiven children of God, to also forgive.

OVERVIEW: Forgiveness is difficult. In this message, Pastor Justin emphasizes that as humans, we are flawed and incapable of adequately making up for our transgressions, hence the need for God’s boundless forgiveness. In the parable, we see a benevolent king release his servant from debt. In the same way, God releases us from our debt through salvation in Jesus. Having received that forgiveness, we are called to forgive others. Undeniably, forgiveness is a challenge; a struggle between the flesh and the spirit. But the choice to forgive leads to a better life.

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