Central Adults

Starting Point
Starting Point is an opportunity to grow and explore your journey with Jesus. This ministry is specifically for those who are brand-new in their faith, or who have recently returned to their faith after some time away.
The Starting Point
The Starting Point is a casual station located in the Grand Foyer right outside the Sanctuary. At the Starting Point, you’ll have a quick three-minute conversation with someone who can answer your questions and help you form a clear, simple plan for your new faith.
Starting Point 101
Throughout the year we host an 8-week Discipleship Class to dive deeper into the fundamentals of the Christian faith. This is a small, informal gathering where you will be able to form relationships with others and build upon your relationship with Jesus.
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Central Young Adults
Tuesdays // 6:30-8:00pm // Room 203
The young adult life can look a lot of different ways: finishing school, living independently, starting jobs, getting married, or beginning a family. This gathering is for young people in any of those stages. Come together with a diverse group that is setting out on life’s trajectory to build friendships and deepen their faith together. For anyone ages 18 through early 30s.
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The Gathering
Wednesdays // 6:15-7:30pm // Room 203
Married and single adults in their 30s and 40s are invited to come to The Gathering after dropping off their kids. This time of community and Bible study will be led by people in their similar life stages, with different topics and studies being offered through the semester. For all adults ages 30-40.
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Central Women
Our Women’s Ministry helps women find their identity through Christ, which is where we can begin to see what possibility lies within us, understand that a process of transformation has begun, and take joy in our newly established purpose in life.
We all come to the table of life with a different set of challenges and concerns. No one is exempt. We come with our strengths and weaknesses, our beauty as well as our imperfections, and our successes along with any brokenness life sometimes brings. The really amazing news is that no situation is hopeless.
We can be made whole, but it is virtually impossible on our own. Jesus sees the possibility in each of us when He says, “all things are possible with God.” Change is a process that occurs over time, “…being transformed into His image” (2 Corinthians 3:18). And it is through this process of change that we discover our purpose, “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). If we accept Jesus’ gift of love and give Him permission, He takes every experience, every pain, every rejection, and aligns them to His purposes and makes a masterpiece. And yes, He can even use our poor choices.
Girl! You Are Enough
Girl! You Are Enough is a ministry for young women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who are invited to journey together in many unique ways: at monthly gatherings, on social media interaction, and other opportunities. Monthly gatherings are held at Central Community Church for a time of worship, fellowship, and the sharing of testimonies. Follow Girl! You Are Enough on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Bible Studies
Join with other women for a time of fellowship and learning in one of our Bible studies, which are currently being held at the church. A variety of studies are offered on different days and times. You can find more information and register by clicking below.
Women’s Events
We host a variety of events throughout the year to gather together and encourage one another. To stay up-to-date on any upcoming events, be sure to follow our Facebook page. You can also take a look at our church calendar for more information or to register.
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Central Men
The mission of our Men’s Ministry is to help men grow in Christ and to encourage, nurture, and support them so they can become spiritual leaders in the home, church, and community.
We do this by developing meaningful friendships among men through Bible study, discipleship, events, and serving. Our motto is “Stronger Together,” supported by Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken” (NLT).
Wednesday Night Men’s Gathering
The Wednesday night men’s study during the school year. Click link below for current study information.
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Central Singles
A place to connect and to gain perspective and focus in your life.
Our Singles Ministry offers direction and purpose to unmarried adults, age 25-60+, who desire fellowship and spiritual growth in a safe and God-honoring environment. In the light of Single Focus, you’ll find a ministry tailored to your particular stage in life.
A variety of classes are held at the church and via Zoom Sunday mornings at both 9:00 and 10:45am and Friday evenings. Each class follows its own study, while also creating opportunities for fellowship.
Outings & Gatherings
We host a variety of outings and social gatherings throughout the year, including game nights, movie nights, and Table Talk after church, day trips, and more.
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Central Seniors
Senior Central seeks to provide opportunities for adults 60+ to connect and deepen relationships through various activities and fellowship events. The first priority of this ministry is that everything we do will fall in line with the vision of Central Community Church which is to Know Christ and to make Him known! We plan monthly times of coming together for dinners, day trips, short-term trips, and special events.
A variety of Sunday School classes are held on Sunday mornings and offer times of biblical teaching, fellowship, and connection. You’re invited to become part of a Christian community with other believers.
Throughout the year, the senior ministry hosts group opportunities to places like Branson and the Ark Encounter in Kentucky.