Stage Extension Starts July 29

Update 7/25/2024: The stage extension and gravel road projects are now set to begin the week of August 5. Please keep an eye on the Refresh webpage and the monitor on the Refresh display in the Grand Foyer for the most up-to-date information.

As we meet the halfway mark of July, new start dates have been confirmed for summer Refresh construction projects.

Restroom Remodels: Happening Now
Remodel work to two sets of restrooms—on the east Sanctuary and upstairs by Room 215—began July 8. These remodels are expected to last approximately 45 days. Once completed, two other sets of restroom remodels will begin: north Sanctuary and in the preschool hall. During the remodels, all of the restrooms remain open.

Sanctuary Stage: Week of July 29
The extension of the Sanctuary stage is expected to begin the week of July 29 and continue for several weeks. During this time, worship services will continue in the Sanctuary, though some aspects may be a little different to accommodate the renovation. With new concrete being poured, we are taking the opportunity to make some much-needed updates to our tech infrastructure inside and above the stage to positively impact the sound system and lighting.

Gravel Road Paving: Following WinShape
WinShape Day Camp is July 22-26, and work on the gravel road on the west side of the Chapel is expected to begin shortly after. In addition to paving the existing gravel road, it will be extended with two-way traffic to the Maple Street entrance. (Prior to the Chapel being built in 2019, a road like this existed on the west side of the church, but was damaged during the construction.) The road is expected to be completed by the start of the school year. However, during construction the entrances to the west side of the parking lot could be impacted for Sunday mornings.

Atrium and Second Floor Remodel: Details Coming Soon
Start dates for the remodel work planned for the Atrium and second floor classrooms and offices are being finalized. They will be shared as soon as they are available.

For more details about all of these project updates, look for an article in the upcoming July-August issue of the Connect magazine.