6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS//Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am

Message: “Family Matters // Conflict Resolution” from Pastor Bob Beckler

A message from the series “Family Matters.” Pastor Bob Beckler discusses how to find healthy and constructive conflict resolution in relationships. Conflict is inevitable. However, though we often avoid it, Pastor Bob says it should be embraced rather than feared. He emphasizes that the goal of any conflict should be resolution, found through love and respect, especially within marriages and families. Pastor Bob shares practical steps to actively resolve conflict, and he stresses the significance of having Jesus at the center of our homes to cultivate peace and stronger relationships.

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Message: “Family Matters // Love & Respect” from Pastor Bob Beckler

A message from the series “Family Matters.” Pastor Bob Beckler discusses the two keys to a successful marriage. To build a healthy marriage, the husband and wife each have the responsibility to fulfill the other’s unique needs. In this partnership, a wife’s need for love equates to a husband’s need for respect, and when one party feels unloved or disrespected, it often leads to a cycle of misunderstanding, frustration, anger, and ultimately a broken relationship. Breaking this cycle—and building a marriage on the sacrificial love demonstrated by Christ for the Church—requires intentional communication, support, and placing Jesus at the center of the relationship.

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